Sunday, March 16, 2014

4 Weird and Funny Crimes and Criminals

Criminals are usually the people that use ruthless and very serious measures to accomplish their criminal goals. Still there are few of them that are into some pretty weird, and some would say, funny stuff. Funny or not, they are still criminals, but we do get to at least laugh at their methods and their crimes.

A criminal that hypnotizes you

Hypnosis is usually used in medicine to help people overcome different kinds of mental issues, but lately it started finding its place in criminal actions too. One particular Italian criminal is using hypnosis in robbing people, mainly store clerks. His method is very simple; he waits for his turn in line (like any other honest shopper), then leans over the counter and whispers into store clerk’s ear to look into his eyes. After the clerk does that, he also gives all of the money from the cash register to the nice man that whispered into his ear. The criminal is then off through the door with a bag of cash like nothing happened. The victims of this magical criminal don't remember giving him the money, and he's so subtle that no one realizes what's happened until it is too late. Italian police started a man hunt for this tricky criminal back in 2008, but they still haven’t gotten him into custody.

A criminal that tried to brake in into a prison

Yes, you read the headline correct, and no it was not to try and get his friend out of the prison. This man simply wanted in. After Merrill DeVore’s mother died, he was struck with grief so he did the only thing he knew, got drunk, and got high. After doing that at 4 a.m., he headed down to the local jail and knocked on the front door (you ask yourselves why? The man was drunk and high, so enough said). So no one let him in, and he, in his intoxicated mind, decided that it would a smart idea to climb the prison fence. Of course the guards came and stopped him, but the most bizarre thing of all is that they didn’t take him to the prison but to a local mental health center. So, Merril with all his good will and effort still didn’t manage to see the inside of a prison.

His crime is a love of heights

We couldn’t resist not putting Alain Robert on our list of weird and funny criminals. We are sure you’ve all read or heard of a modern day French Spiderman, Alain Robert. Well, it is possible that you didn’t know that Alain is considered to be a criminal, but he is proud of it. Apparently climbing tall buildings without a rope, harness or any other safety implement is considered to be a crime a safety hazard for one self and others (who would’ve guessed). Even though Alain is worldwide famous for his stunts, he is often arrested after his ascents because he usually lacks authorization for his climbs, though sometimes he's hired to scale buildings for publicity stunts. In his love of heights and adrenalin rush, Robert has climbed wide range of tall buildings worldwide, from the the New York Times Building, the Empire State Building, Eiffel Tower, Sydney Opera House, Willis Tower to the then-tallest skyscraper in the world: Taiwan's Taipei 101.

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